Information security is of the utmost importance to us when it comes to our missions, values and objectives.

For the purpose of ensuring our business continuity, managing risks against any and all information portfolios held within our organization including the ones owned by our clients, suppliers and any other business partners in an effective and systematic manner when ensuring our business continuity and minimising the damages that may potentially arise as part of such risks;

  • Güner Law Office has established, implemented, maintained, and continuously improved the framework of the requirements of ISO 27001 standard.
  • We fulfil all requirements arising from legislations, contracts and standards regarding information security.
  • We take into consideration the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets and Information Systems in every phase of our activities and services. In case of the occurrence of information security violations, we monitor such violations on a regular basis, take necessary measures against reoccurrences and take required actions to minimize such risks in this respect.
  • We follow up the technological developments in information security closely and renew and develop our systems and hardware in accordance with these developments, market requirements and legislation.
  • We conduct regular training on information security to expand and raise the awareness of our employees and support our employees to increase their self-improvement in this regard.
  • We empower our employees in accordance with their duties and responsibilities and ensure our employees’ access to the information in line with their mandates.
  • We procure the required software and hardware without delay for the purpose of ensuring information security in the business processes conducted with our clients, establishing relationships based on mutual trust and increasing the quality of the service and efficiency in the processes.
  • We ensure that all our business processes are integrated and produce efficient results.
  • We take necessary measures against unforeseen circumstances by way of establishing different scenarios and multiple plans for emergencies.
  • We aim to be an organization which complies with both legal regulations and universal market standards with our clients, employees, business partners, and suppliers with regard to information security.
  • We commit to meeting the current requirements related to information security and to continuously improving the information security management system.